Or Are We So Blind ?

Ada orang dengan muzik, mereka boleh menangis, tusukan bait-bait nasyid boleh menyentuh kalbu mereka.

Memandangkan tarbiah yang agak syadid, ana tidak terkena tempias ini malah sangat tidak meminati muzik terutama lagu-lagu Melayu sehinggalah ana ke satu kem yang memasang lagu Taubat Seorang Hamba pada malam muhasabah.

Ana melihat ramai yang menghayatinya dan menangis serta merintih. Tetapi ana tidak. Ana tak boleh hayati sesuatu lirik dengan rentak muzik.

Sejak daripada itu, ana akui muzik boleh membawa sesetengah insan untuk kembali merenung diri. Industri nasyid rupanya boleh menjadi medan dakwah. Lalu ana hayati satu persatu bait nasyid, rupanya sungguh indah !

Ia rupanya ibarat satu puisi cuma diiringi dengan muzik.

Mashaallah !

Bila ana perhatikan bait-bait indah itu rupanya diciptakan sepersis juga dengan keterangan dari ayat- ayat Allah.

Perhatikan tinta Kalamullah dari surah ar-Rahman dengan bait syahdu lagu Open Your Eyes by Maher Zain.

Look around yourselves
Can't you see this wonder
Spreaded infront of you

55:7And the heaven He raised and imposed the balance
The clouds floating by
The skies are clear and blue

55:5The sun and the moon [move] by precise calculation

Planets in the orbits
The moon and the sun 

***Such perfect harmony ***

 Let's start question in ourselves 
Isn't this proof enough for us

So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?

Or are we so blind 
To push it all aside


We just have to

Open our eyes, our hearts, and minds
If we just look bright to see the signs
We can't keep hiding from the truth

Let it take us by surprise

Take us in the best way (Allah)
Guide us every single day(Allah)
Keep us close to You
Until the end of time..


Created man,
Look inside yourselves
Such a perfect order
Hiding in yourselves
Running in your veins
What about anger love and pain
And all the things you're feeling

He created man from clay like [that of] pottery

Can you touch them with your hand?
So are they really there

When a baby's born
So helpless and weak

And you're watching him growing

So why deny
Whats in front of your eyes
The biggest miracle of life.


And the earth He laid [out] for the creatures.

And He created the jinn from a smokeless flame of fire.

And to Him belong the ships [with sails] elevated in the sea like mountains.

You created everything

55:26Everyone upon the earth will perish,
And there will remain the Face of your Lord, Owner of Majesty and Honor.

We belong to You
Ya Robb we raise our hands

Whoever is within the heavens and earth asks Him; every day He is bringing about a matter.
Forever we thank You
الحمد الله 

Satu bait yang selalu mengiringi langkah ana setiap kali keluar rumah, memandang langit biru, suasana kehijauan dan laut membentang...
Satu soalan yang selalu menghantui ana, saat senang dan susah, suka dan duka...
Satu soalan yang tidak memerlukan jawapan melainkan kefahaman...


So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?
Maka nikmat Tuhanmu yang manakah yang kamu dustakan ?

Or are we so blind ?  To push it all aside ???

 so, opens our

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